Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Tips Praktis Mengatasi Kista Ovarium

Apa itu kista ovarium? Nah, artikel ini akan membahas tentang kista ovarium yang meliputi: definisi, etiologi (penyebab), tipe kista normal, tipe kista abnormal, manifestasi klinis, penegakan diagnosis, pemeriksaan laboratorium, dan penatalaksanaan. Selamat membaca dan memahami... .
Kista berarti kantung yang berisi cairan. Kista ovarium (atau kista indung telur) berarti kantung berisi cairan, normalnya berukuran kecil, yang terletak di indung telur (ovarium).
Kista indung telur dapat terbentuk kapan saja, pada masa pubertas sampai menopause, juga selama masa kehamilan.
Etiologi (Penyebab)
Kista ovarium disebabkan oleh gangguan (pembentukan) hormon pada hipotalamus, hipofisis, dan ovarium.
Tipe Kista Normal
Kista Fungsional
Ini merupakan jenis kista ovarium yang paling banyak ditemukan. Kista ini berasal dari sel telur dan korpus luteum, terjadi bersamaan dengan siklus menstruasi yang normal.
Kista fungsional akan tumbuh setiap bulan dan akan pecah pada masa subur, untuk melepaskan sel telur yang pada waktunya siap dibuahi oleh sperma. Setelah pecah, kista fungsional akan menjadi kista folikuler dan akan hilang saat menstruasi.
Kista fungsional terdiri dari: kista folikel dan kista korpus luteum. Keduanya tidak mengganggu, tidak menimbulkan gejala dan dapat menghilang sendiri dalam waktu 6-8 minggu.
Tipe Kista Abnormal
Maksud kata "abnormal" disini adalah tidak normal, tidak umum, atau tidak biasanya (ada, timbul, muncul, atau terjadi). Semua tipe atau bentuk kista -selain kista fungsional- adalah kista abnormal, misalnya:
1.    Cystadenoma
Merupakan kista yang berasal dari bagian luar sel indung telur. Biasanya bersifat jinak, namun dapat membesar dan dapat menimbulkan nyeri.
2.    Kista coklat (endometrioma)
Merupakan endometrium yang tidak pada tempatnya. Disebut kista coklat karena berisi timbunan darah yang berwarna coklat kehitaman.
3.    Kista dermoid
Merupakan kista yang yang berisi berbagai jenis bagian tubuh seperti kulit, kuku, rambut, gigi dan lemak. Kista ini dapat ditemukan di kedua bagian indung telur. Biasanya berukuran kecil dan tidak menimbulkan gejala.
4.    Kista endometriosis
Merupakan kista yang terjadi karena ada bagian endometrium yang berada di luar rahim. Kista ini berkembang bersamaan dengan tumbuhnya lapisan endometrium setiap bulan sehingga menimbulkan nyeri hebat, terutama saat menstruasi dan infertilitas.
5.    Kista hemorrhage
Merupakan kista fungsional yang disertai perdarahan sehingga menimbulkan nyeri di salah satu sisi perut bagian bawah.
6.    Kista lutein
Merupakan kista yang sering terjadi saat kehamilan. Beberapa tipe kista lutein antara lain:
a. Kista granulosa lutein
Merupakan kista yang terjadi di dalam korpus luteum ovarium yang fungsional. Kista yang timbul pada permulaan kehamilan ini dapat membesar akibat dari penimbunan darah yang berlebihan saat menstruasi dan bukan akibat dari tumor. Diameternya yang mencapai 5-6 cm menyebabkan rasa tidak enak di daerah panggul. Jika pecah, akan terjadi perdarahan di rongga perut.
Pada wanita yang tidak hamil, kista ini menyebabkan menstruasi terlambat, diikuti perdarahan yang tidak teratur.
b. Kista theca lutein
Merupakan kista yang berisi cairan bening dan berwarna seperti jerami. Timbulnya kista ini berkaitan dengan tumor ovarium dan terapi hormon.
7.    Kista polikistik ovarium
Merupakan kista yang terjadi karena kista tidak dapat pecah dan melepaskan sel telur secara kontinyu. Biasanya terjadi setiap bulan. Ovarium akan membesar karena bertumpuknya kista ini. Untuk kista polikistik ovarium yang menetap (persisten), operasi harus dilakukan untuk mengangkat kista tersebut agar tidak menimbulkan gangguan dan rasa sakit.
Kista ovarium ada yang bersifat jinak dan ganas (kanker). Biasanya kista yang berukuran kecil bersifat jinak. Kista ovarium sering ditemukan secara tidak sengaja pada pemeriksaan rutin.
Manifestasi Klinis
Manifestasi klinis kista ovarium antara lain:
1.    Sering tanpa gejala.
2.    Nyeri saat menstruasi.
3.    Nyeri di perut bagian bawah.
4.    Nyeri pada saat berhubungan badan.
5.    Nyeri pada punggung terkadang menjalar sampai ke kaki.
6.    Terkadang disertai nyeri saat buang air kecil dan/atau buang air besar.
7.    Siklus menstruasi tidak teratur; bisa juga jumlah darah yang keluar banyak.
Adapun manifestasi klinis kanker ovarium antara lain:
1.    Perubahan menstruasi.
2.    Rasa sakit atau sensasi nyeri saat bersenggama (dyspareunia).
3.    Gangguan pencernaan yang menetap, seperti: kembung, mual.
4.    Perubahan kebiasaan buang air besar, contoh: sukar buang air besar (= sembelit, konstipasi, obstipasi)
5.    Perubahan berkemih, misalnya: sering kencing.
6.    Perut membesar, salah satu cirinya adalah celana terasa sesak.
7.    Kehilangan selera makan atau rasa cepat kenyang (perut terasa penuh).
8.    Rasa mudah capek atau rasa selalu kurang tenaga.
9.    Rasa nyeri pada (tulang) punggung bawah (Low back pain).
Penegakan Diagnosis
Diagnosis kista ovarium ditegakkan melalui pemeriksaan dengan ultrasonografi  atau USG (abdomen atau transvaginal), kolposkopi screening, dan pemeriksaan darah (tumor marker atau petanda tumor).
Pemeriksaan Laboratorium
Di dalam praktek, jika diperlukan dokter kandungan akan menganjurkan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan sekret (yang meliputi: Trichomonas, Candida/jamur, bakteri batang, bakteri kokus, epitel, lekosit, eritrosit, epitel, dan pH) dan hematologi, misalnya: Hb (Hemoglobin).
1.    Observasi
Jika kista tidak menimbulkan gejala, maka cukup dimonitor (dipantau) selama 1-2 bulan, karena kista fungsional akan menghilang dengan sendirinya setelah satu atau dua siklus haid. Tindakan ini diambil jika tidak curiga ganas (kanker).
2.    Operasi
Jika kista membesar, maka dilakukan tindakan pembedahan, yakni dilakukan pengambilan kista dengan tindakan laparoskopi atau laparotomi. Biasanya untuk laparoskopi Anda diperbolehkan pulang pada hari ke-3 atau ke-4, sedangkan untuk laparotomi Anda diperbolehkan pulang pada hari ke-8 atau ke-9.
3.    Terapi Herbal
Berikut ini beberapa contoh resep/ramuan tumbuhan obat untuk mengatasi kista ovarium menurut Prof. H.M. Hembing Wijayakusuma:
a. 60 gram temu putih segar + 15 gram sambiloto kering atau 30 gram yang segar, direbus dengan 600 cc air hingga tersisa 300 cc, disaring, airnya diminum dua kali sehari, setiap kali minum 150 cc.
b. 30 gram daun dewa segar + 50 gram temu mangga + 5 gram daging buah mahkota dewa kering, direbus dengan 800 cc air hingga tersisa 400 cc, disaring, airnya diminum untuk dua kali sehari, setiap kali minum 200 cc.
c. 60 gram benalu yang hidup di pohon teh + 30 gram rumput mutiara atau rumput lidah ular kembang putih, direbus dengan 800 cc air hingga tersisa 400 cc, disaring, airnya diminum untuk dua kali sehari, setiap kali minum 200 cc.
Catatan: rumput lidah ular kembang putih kering dapat dibeli di toko obat tionghoa dengan nama bai hua she she cao. Untuk perebusan gunakanlah periuk tanah, panci enamel, atau panci kaca. Pilihlah salah satu resep di atas, minumlah secara teratur, dan tetap berkonsultasi ke dokter untuk memantau/ mengevaluasi hasil terapi.

Kanker Prostat

Kanker Prostat adalah suatu tumor ganas yang tumbuh di dalam kelenjar prostat.
Kanker online prescription prostat sangat sering terjadi.
Pemeriksaan mikroskopis terhadap jaringan prostat pasca pembedahan maupun pada otopsi menunjukkan adanya kanker pada 50% pria berusia diatas 70 tahun dan pada semua pria yang berusia diatas 90 tahun.
Kebanyakan kanker tersebut tidak menimbulkan gejala karena penyebarannya sangat lambat.
prostat Kanker Prostat
Apakah penyebab kanker prostat?
Penyebabnya tidak diketahui, meskipun beberapa penelitian telah menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara diet tinggi lemak dan peningkatan kadar hormon testosteron.
Kanker prostat merupakan penyebab kematian akibat kanker no 3 pada pria dan merupakan penyebab utama kematin akibat kanker pada pria diatas 74 tahun.
Kanker prostat jarang ditemukan pada pria berusia kurang dari 40 tahun.
Pria yang memiliki resiko lebih tinggi untuk menderita kanker prostat adalah pria kulit hitam yang berusia diatas 60 tahun, petani, pelukis dan pemaparan kadmium.
Angka kejadian terendah ditemukan pada pria Jepang dan vegetarian.
Kanker prostat dikelompokkan menjadi

  • Stadium A : benjolan/tumor tidak dapat diraba pada pemeriksaan fisik, biasanya ditemukan secara tidak sengaja setelah pembedahan prostat karena penyakit lain.

  • Stadium B : tumor terbatas pada prostat dan biasanya ditemukan pada pemeriksaan fisik atau tes PSA.

  • Stadium C : tumor telah menyebar ke luar dari kapsul prostat, tetapi belum sampai menyebar ke kelenjar getah bening.

  • Stadium D : kanker telah menyebar (metastase) ke kelenjar getah bening regional maupun bagian tubuh lainnya (misalnya tulang dan paru-paru).

  • Apakah gejala kanker prostat ?
    Biasanya kanker prostat berkembang secara perlahan dan tidak menimbulkan gejala sampai kanker telah mencapai stadium lanjut.
    Kadang gejalanya menyerupai BPH, yaitu berupa kesulitan dalam berkemih dan sering berkemih.
    Gejala tersebut timbul karena kanker menyebabkan penyumbatan parsial pada aliran air kemih melalui uretra.
    Kanker prostat bisa menyebabkan air kemih berwarna merah (karena mengandung darah) atau menyebabkan terjadinya penahanan air kemih mendadak.
    Pada beberapa kasus, kanker prostat baru terdiagnosis setelah menyebar ke tulang (terutama tulang panggul, iga dan tulang belakang) atau ke ginjal (menyebabkan gagal ginjal).
    Kanker tulang menimbulkan nyeri dan tulang menjadi rapuh sehingga mudah mengalami fraktur (patah tulang).
    Setelah kanker menyebar, biasanya penderita akan mengalami anemia.
    Kanker prostat juga bisa menyebar ke otak dan menyebabkan kejang serta gejala mental atau neurologis lainnya.
    Gejala lainnya adalah:

  • Segera setelah berkemih, biasanya air kemih masih menetes-netes

  • Nyeri ketika berkemih

  • Nyeri ketika ejakulasi

  • Nyeri punggung bagian bawah

  • Nyeri ketika buang air besar

  • Nokturia (berkemih pada malam hari)

  • Inkontinensia uri (beser)

  • Nyeri tulang atau tulang nyeri jika ditekan

  • Hematuria (darah dalam air kemih)

  • Nyeri perut

  • Penurunan berat badan.

  • Gambar kanker prostat
    kanker prostat2 Kanker Prostat
    Bagaimana cara mendiagnosa kanker prostat?
    Cara terbaik untuk menyaring kanker prostat adalah melakukan pemeriksaan colok dubur dan pemeriksaan darah.
    Colok dubur pada penderita kanker prostat akan menunjukkan adanya benjolan keras yang bentuknya tidak beraturan.
    Pada pemeriksaan darah dilakukan pengukuran kadar antigen prostat spesifik (PSA), yang biasanya meningkat pada penderita kanker prostat, tetapi juga bisa meningkat (tidak terlalu tinggi) pada penderita BPH.
    Jika pada pemeriksaan colok dubur ditemukan benjolan, maka dilakukan pemeriksaan USG.
    Dengan melakukan rontgen atau skening tulang, bisa diketahui adanya penyebaran kanker ke tulang.
    Pemeriksaan lainnya yang biasa dilakukan:

  • Analisa air kemih

  • Sitologi air kemih atau cairan prostat

  • Biopsi prostat.

  • Bagaimana cara pengobatan kanker prostat?

    Pengobatan yang tepat untuk kanker prostat masih diperdebatkan.
    Pilihan pengobatan bervariasi, tergantung kepada stadiumnya:
    • Pada stadium awal bisa digunakan prostatektomi (pengangkatan prostat) dan terapi penyinaran
    • Jika kanker telah menyebar, bisa dilakukan manipulasi hormonal (mengurangi kadar testosteron melalui obat-obatan maupun pengangkatan testis) atau kemoterapi.
    Pembedahan untuk kanker prostat
    1. Prostatektomi radikal (pengangkatan kelenjar prostat).
    Seringkali dilakukan pada kanker stadium A dan B.
    Prosedurnya lama dan biasanya dilakukan dibawah pembiusan total maupun spinal.
    Sebuah sayatan dibuat di perut maupun daerah perineum dan penderita harus menjalani perawatan rumah sakit selama 5-7 harai.
    Komplikasi yang mungkin terjadi adalah impotensia dan inkontinensia uri.
    Pada penderita yang kehidupan seksualnya masih aktif, bisa dilakukan potency-sparing radical prostatectomy.
    2. Orkiektomi (pengangkatan testis, pengebirian).
    Pengangkatan kedua testis menyebabkan berkurangnya kadar testosteron, tetapi prosedur ini menimbulkan efek fisik dan psikis yang tidak dapat ditolerir oleh penderita.
    Orkiektomi adalah pengobatan yang efektif, tidak memerlukan pengobatan ulang, lebih murah dibandingkan dengan obat-obatan dan sesudah menjalani orkiektomi penderita tidak perlu menjalani perawatan rumah sakit.
    Orkiektomi biasanya dilakukan pada kanker yang telah menyebar.
    Terapi penyinaran untuk pengobatan kanker prostat

    Terapi penyinaran terutama digunakan untuk mengobati kanker stadium A, B dan C.
    Biasanya jika resiko pembedahan terlalu tinggi, maka dilakukan terapi penyinaran.
    Terapi penyinaran terhadap kelenjar prostat bisa dilakukan melalui beberapa cara:
    1. Terapi penyinaran eksterna, dilakukan di rumah sakit tanpa perlu menjalani rawat inap.
    Efek sampingnya berupa penurunan nafsu makan, kelelahan, reaksi kulit (misalnya kemerahan dan iritasi), cedera atau luka bakar pada rektum, diare, sistitis (infeksi kandung kemih) dan hematuria.
    Terapi penyinaran eksterna biasanya dilakukan sebanyak 5 kali/minggu selama 6-8 minggu.
    2. Pencangkokan butiran yodium, emas atau iridium radioaktif langsung pada jaringan prostat melalui sayatan kecil.
    Keuntungan dari bentuk terapi penyinaran ini adalah bahwa radiasi langsung diarahkan kepada prostat dengan kerusakan jaringan di sekitarnya yang lebih sedikit.
    Pengobatan menggunakan obat
    1. Manipulasi hormonal.
    Tujuannya adalah mengurangi kadar testosteron.
    Penurunan kadar testosteron seringkali sangat efektif dalam mencegah pertumbuhan dan penyebaran kanker.
    Manipulasi hormonal terutama digunakan untuk meringankan gejala tanpa menyembuhkan kankernya, yaitu misalnya pada penderita yang kankernya telah menyebar.
    Obat sintetis yang fungsinya menyerupai LHRH (luteinizing hormone releasing hormone), semakin banyak digunakan untuk mengobati kanker prostat stadium lanjut. Contohnya adalah lupron atau zoladeks.
    Obat ini menekan perangsangan testis terhadap pembentukan testosteron (hal seperti ini disebut pengebirian kimiawi karena memiliki hasil yang sama dengan pengangkatan testis).
    Obat diberikan dalam bentuk suntikan, biasanya setiap 3 bulan sekali.
    Efek sampingnya adalah mual dan muntah, wajah kemerahan, anemia, osteoporosis dan impotensi.
    Obat lainnya yang digunakan untuk terapi hormonal adalah zat penghambat androgen (misalnya flutamid), yang berfungsi mencegah menempelnya testosteron pada sel-sel prostat.
    Efek sampingnya adalah impotensi, gangguan hati, diare dan ginekomastia (pembesaran payudara).
    2. Kemoterapi
    Kemoterapi seringkali digunakan untuk mengatasi gejala kanker prostat yang kebal terhadap pengobatan hormonal.
    Biasanya diberikan obat tunggal atau kombinasi beberapa obat untuk menghancurkan sel-sel kanker.
    Obat-obatan yang bisa digunakan untuk mengobati kanker prostat adalah:
    - Mitoxantron
    - Prednisone
    - Paclitaxel
    - Dosetaxel
    - Estramustin
    - Adriamycin.
    Efek sampingnya bervariasi dan tergantung kepada obat yang diberikan.
    Pemantauan yang perlu dilakukan untuk kanker prostat
    Apapun jenis pengobatan yang dijalaninya, penderita akan dipantau secara ketat mengenai perkembangan penyakitnya.
    Pemantauannya meliputi:
    • Pemeriksaan darah untuk mengetahui kadar PSA (biasanya setiap 3 bulan – 1 tahun).
    • Skening dan/atau CT scan tulang untuk mengetahui penyebaran kanker.
    • Pemeriksaan darah lengkap untuk memantau tanda-tanda dan gejala anemia.
    • Pemantauan tanda dan gejala lainnya yang menunjukkan perkembangan penyakit (misalnya kelelahan, penurunan berat badan, nyeri yang semakin hebat, penurunan fungsi usus dan kandung kemih serta kelemahan).

    What is high blood pressure?

    High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension means high pressure (tension) in the arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the pumping heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. High blood pressure does not mean excessive emotional tension, although emotional tension and stress can temporarily increase blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80; blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is called "pre-hypertension", and a blood pressure of 140/90 or above is considered high.
    The top number, the systolic blood pressure, corresponds to the pressure in the arteries as the heart contracts and pumps blood forward into the arteries. The bottom number, the diastolic pressure, represents the pressure in the arteries as the heart relaxes after the contraction. The diastolic pressure reflects the lowest pressure to which the arteries are exposed.
    An elevation of the systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart (cardiac) disease, kidney (renal) disease, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis), eye damage, and stroke (brain damage). These complications of hypertension are often referred to as end-organ damage because damage to these organs is the end result of chronic (long duration) high blood pressure. For that reason, the diagnosis of high blood pressure is important so efforts can be made to normalize blood pressure and prevent complications.
    It was previously thought that rises in diastolic blood pressure were a more important risk factor than systolic elevations, but it is now known that in people 50 years or older systolic hypertension represents a greater risk.
    The American Heart Association estimates high blood pressure affects approximately one in three adults in the United States - 73 million people. High blood pressure is also estimated to affect about two million American teens and children, and the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that many are under-diagnosed. Hypertension is clearly a major public health problem.

    Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

    Why Girls need Lip Gloss ?

    Why Girls need Lip Gloss ?

    and their personalities with specific taste and demand to look complete female with slight changes done on the facial region and Lip gloss (cosmetic) is one of that thing for them. As soon as a Lip Gloss is applied over the lips the lips starts shining with a subtle touch of colors applied too therein.
    Lakme has introduced ‘Transferred resistance’ Lip Gloss and Lipsticks for women who could afford expensive cosmetic products. The unique ability of such technological changes in cosmetic industry is that the lipstick or gloss doesn’t leaves marks of the touch on a cup of coffee or tea or while consuming cold-drinks or Taking Wines (Liquor) in a champagne glass in grand gala parties; birthday parties; etc. Lakme is world’s finest cosmetic manufacturing company with millions of cosmetic products sold worldwide with much ease and satisfactory results to women all around the globe.

    How Lip Gloss is Used ?

    Lip Gloss is rather distributed as a viscous liquid cosmetic product in the domestic market. One shouldn’t be confused by comparing Lip Gloss with a Lip Balm. These two are poles apart from each other because the balm can be used as a cure to a lip as well sometimes such as certain herbal lip balms are available to cure the unwanted and unexpected cracks and lines emerging out over the lips of the ladies, they heal them by a specific process whereas Lip Gloss is only meant for extra shining of th elips when visiting public places. The features of a lip gloss is many such as: the gloss can be extremely clear without any notice to a stranger at the first look over the lips of a women and matching with the color of the lips as well (transparent) but can be translucent with complete hidden natural coloring of the lips and also comes along in various shades of opacity that might include; glittered; frosted and metallic looks. In this day and age women all around the world are recommending metallic looks more to attract the opposite sexes.

    History of Lip Gloss

    The first Lip Gloss was introduced in the world in the year 1932 which was termed in as ‘MAX FACTOR’. A lip gloss is usually available in a domestic market in a form of a tube size structure and there is a wand applicator format for understanding it thoroughly in the first instance.
    A rounded or a sloped applicator is in the latest trend for lip gloss application process by the women community which is known upon as ‘Deerfoot Applicator’ which comes along with a built-in lipbrush or a finger tipped applicator. The Solid lip glosses comes in boxes and tubes and they sometimes blurr the distinction between a lip gloss and a lip balm.
    The uniqueness of lip glosses is that some of the glosses have moisturizing benefits for the ultimate protection of the natural lips of a human-being and a lip gloss isn’t just used upon by women but men are also susceptible to apply lip glosses for moisturizing tendencies and to attract the opposite sexes as well. One of the actress in the early era has introduced a sunscreen based lip gloss for the community to accept its usage to look more attractive.
    It became very famous overtime. Now various lip glosses are coming in various flavored ways for ex: strawberry gloss; Pink Lemonade; Watermelon shade & taste; Cotton candies; Dr.Pepper lip gloss; Red Raspberry; Strawberry Kiwi; Vanilla; marshmellow; Bubble gum flavor; Coca-cola flavored gloss; Sugar crystals; Pika Colada; etc.
    The latest trend of speaking about Lip glosses doesn’t simply implies the same old saying for any cosmetic product as per today ladies started calling lip glosses as ‘Skittles Liquid Lip Smacker’. Different packaging is designed for catering to needs of different age groups in the women societies.

    Beauty and Skin Care Face Creams

    The re known “Ponds Age miracle” facial cream is one of that name that qualifies any other domestic creams available in the domestic market in this day-and-age as it claims to fair the surface of the skin as quickly as possible with positive results projected before the client in 10 days as competition with other manufacturing companies with their fake proposals recommends the usage of the facial creams for as long as one month time which is havoc for those who demands and expect to have early improvement visible all over the facial region.
    The beauty care products penetrates deep into the surface of the skin and helps in providing the important ingredients to make it glow or shine like a new star in the sky. The facial creams for toning up the skin with no side-effects are cured with the help of herbal products which are further introduced for body skin firming; anti-wrinkle abilities; Anti-aging creams; stretch marks over the face of the skin and other skin regions of the body to tighten up the muscles by reducing the excessive fat from various parts of the body; reducing the scars and red pigmentation marks which are painful; toenail fungus; lotions and other available creams etc plays a pivotal role for maintaining a healthy skin type for the skin.
    In this day-and-age public is demanding a relatively new form of creams and lotions which are called as mineral cosmetics infused with mineral qualities extracted mainly from environment which can further be used as mineral make-ups; micro-dermis abrasion creams and a quality of the spa body scrubbers etc.
    This specially designed facial face creams consists of Peptides; tea tree oils and collagen III qualities with natural presence of Argireline etc. The creams are helpful in minimizing the enlarged pores of skin with crystal clear complexion. It also provides moisturizing effects with nutritional values and kills the bacterial and viral formation cells from the surface of the skin.
    Even the appearance of the initial wrinkle over the skin surface is reduced to only fine lines which aren’t totally visible to a naked eye. Toning of the skin at the time of pregnancy is every woman’s nightmare and such creams are able to control the stretch marks slackening because it’s rather a home skin rejuvenation process that could continue for so long as possible by one to keep adopting the products of the domestic market.
    If irritations are caused due to sagging of the skin surface of the face it is stopped instantly and with no after-affects in return because usually the facial creams have the tendency to hydrate the skin from inside and thereby reaches to the minutest pores of the skin surface to stay there to fight the bacterial agents attached due to environmental factors such as: dirt and dust etc.
    Dark spots are visibly fade with the help of fading facial cream as the cream diminishes the color intensity of the natural skin surface and in turn whitens the skin to look more light by nature.
    The nourishment of puffy eyes of the face is actuated by the cream to diminish excessive swelling over the specific areas of the eyes and it alleviates the formation of bag like structure from beneath the eye sockets. Spider veins are also controlled through the usage of the facial creams and rapid reduction in the varicose veins too.
    The lumps and bumps are relatively controlled through facial cream is by introducing the “Cellulite facial cream”. The cellulite available at the surface of the skin is eliminated substantially and the dark dimple area over the face also lightly disappears if carefully executed. It is better to utilize butter made up from Aloe and 'Shea' mixed for providing more radiance to the skin surface then what the cream itself can do for the face.

    Herbal Hair Loss Remedies That Offer Hope

    Herbs hold an obvious appeal for many people because they support the body's natural healing mechanisms to target the cause of the problem, as opposed to merely tackling the symptoms. It would be wrong to present herbal hair loss remedies as a miracle solution for all sufferers — there is however growing evidence to support the view that some herbal remedies offer real hope to many people.
    Let's examine the case for some of the more popular remedies to determine if they're worth trying.
    Ginkgo biloba: This popular herb is thought to improve blood circulation to the brain and skin. Herbalists believe that the increased flow of blood to the brain area delivers more nutrients to the hair follicles thus promoting hair regrowth. The recommended dose is 120-160mg of dry extract each day spread over three doses.
    Green tea (Camellia sinesis): It is thought that catechins found in green tea may inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT. It is therefore believed to be effective in preventing and treating male pattern type baldness. You should drink several cups of green tea each day or take it in capsule form as instructed by the manufacturer.
    He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum): Also known as Fo-Ti, this Chinese herb has traditionally been used to reduce hair loss. It is found in many commercial preparations, or in tea and capsule form.
    Pygeum (Pygeum africanum): Derived from the bark of an evergreen, it works in a similar way to green tea. It is widely used to treat prostate problems and male pattern baldness. Users should take 60-500mg per day in pill or capsule form.
    Saw palmetto (Seranoa repens): This is the current treatment of choice for many men due to its ability to protect the prostate, slow hair loss and encourage hair regrowth. It forms the core element of many commercially prepared hair loss treatments but can easily be obtained in its pure form. The recommended dose is a 160mg capsule twice each day, but make sure the ingredients are made from the berry extract not the dried berries themselves.
    Stinging nettle (Urtica diocia): This has long been favored as a means of preventing hair loss due to its ability to block the conversion of testosterone into DHT. It can be taken in pill or capsule form with an optimum dose of 50-100mg per day. It is particularly effective when combined with pygeum and saw palmetto.

    Tips to find the best and easy weight loss plans

    The present lifestyle for every person around the world is not an encourage one to everybody to lead life happily.Taking improper food in different times,improper working hours and targets to achieve and many more points are making people suffering with obesity.There are so many side effects with this obesity.The main and most of the people are suffering with sleepless nights due to this obesity.And also cardiovascular problems,diabetes, depressions and sleep apnea are some issues related with obesity.
    To resolve this issue,there is only one way that is you need to find a way that will remove those extra pounds around your waist.For this instance, you need to find the best weight loss plan will be a prudent idea.The best idea for anyone is you need to reach a health weight with a practical eating plan,and also you need to do some form of exercise.When it comes to a weight loss program,you need to select the best that will help you to reduce weight,and also it assists in maintaining the weight over time.Depending upon your cultural needs,you need to follow some of the tips on healthy behaviour. However there are so many weight loss products are available in the market.The weight loss product will help to you reduce your weight in the fast way.Most of these products are treated as an easy way to loss weight fast.
    And also you need to find the qualification of the staff,who is involved in these plans.For that person,they must have been sufficient weigh management training to help the people to lose weight fast.Most of the people are selecting this one as the best way to lose weights.And also we need to understand that you need to gather the information about the plan that basically consists of any replacement meals,exercise with food control or if they use drugs.And also you need to consider the health risks of this plan.It is a better idea that asks for testimonials of previous successful participants of the weight loss plan.Most of the people are interested to prefer individual counseling and some of them are interesting in the group classes.If the plan consists of any drugs and supplements,then you need to make sure that it will not show any side effects.
    Finally,the cost is most important factor when you are selecting the best weight loss plans for your needs.There are some well established and experienced organisations are providing some essential weight loss programs for the clients.

    Cancer symptoms and Diagnosis

    All cancer patients suffer a lot and have to go through complicated procedures and proper treatment to ensure that the disease can be dealt with. However, till just a couple of decades back most patients died from cancer. With excellent developments in technology cancer has become a disease which can be easily treated and that is excellent news for a lot of patients. But do you wish you could look for signs of cancer so that you can deal with it very early on? There are certain symptoms which you can look for which might diagnose any sign of cancer early on.
    First of all, women and girls need to be taught the importance of looking for early signs of breast cancer. It is the most potent form of cancer that has been affecting women and girls and it is difficult to know at what age this might start. You can start with being cautious. If you feel a lump near your breasts or underarm than instantly have it checked out. High chances are that it will just be some kind of a boil but in some cases you can prevent any form of infection from spreading if you deal with it very early on in the day.
    All women need to go for checkups because cancer can also affect other parts of the body like the cervix. Proper check up and treatment just might help stop that. If you are getting a splitting headache which is blinding and extreme then go in for a checkup for tumors in brain. Of course there have been cases when cancer patients did not have many signs to look for before being afflicted with the disease but you can always stay safe. Stop smoking too much or avoid company of people who smoke to reduce chances of lung cancer.

    Herpes Simplex Virus

    Herpes is an infection that is caused by a herpes simplex virus (HSV). Oral herpes causes cold sores around the mouth or face. Genital herpes affects the genitals, buttocks or anal area. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). You can get it from having sex, even oral sex. The virus can spread even when sores are not present. Mothers can also infect their babies during childbirth.
    Some people have no symptoms. Others get sores near the area where the virus has entered the body. They turn into blisters, become itchy and painful, and then heal. The virus can be dangerous in newborn babies or in people with weak immune systems.
    Most people have outbreaks several times a year. Over time, you get them less often. Medicines to help your body fight the virus can help lessen symptoms and decrease outbreaks. Correct usage of latex condoms can reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of catching or spreading herpes.

    What are the Symptoms of Gonorrhea in Men?

    What are the Symptoms of Gonorrhea in Men?

    If you have penetrative vaginal or anal sex with a woman or man who has gonorrhea, you may end up with a gonorrhea infection of the penis. Early symptoms include:
    • discomfort in the penis
    • a thick white, yellow or green discharge from the tip of the penis
    • pain or burning sensation when urinating
    If you experience any of these symptoms, see a doctor right away, and don't have sex until the cause of these symptoms has been diagnosed and treated. Other STIs may show similar symptoms. The only way to be sure of the cause and to get the appropriate treatment is to see a doctor. If you are diagnosed with an STI, make sure to inform your recent sexual partners, including the person you think you got the infection from, and protect yourself and your partners while you are being treated.
    If gonorrhea is left untreated, the infection can spread to the glands near the urethra, the prostate, seminal vesicles, testes and bladder. This may lead to:
    • rectal or urethral abscesses
    • painfully swollen testicles
    • difficulty urinating

    Which Other Parts of the Body Can Be Infected with Gonorrhea?

    Gonorrhea can be passed along through anal or oral sex. If you receive anal sex from a man who has gonorrhea, you can end up with a gonorrhea infection of the rectum. This has its own set of symptoms:
    • Soreness and itching in the anal area
    • Anal discharge
    • Severe anal or rectal pain, especially when defecating
    Rectal gonorrhea is very infectious and can cause many problems if left untreated. If you have any of these symptoms, see a doctor right away.
    Likewise, if you perform oral sex on a man who has gonorrhea, you may end up with a gonorrhea infection of the mouth. The primary symptom of such an infection is a sore, inflamed throat, which is often not diagnosed as gonorrhea. If you have reason to think that a sore throat is caused by gonorrhea, inform your doctor, who can do a test that will confirm the source of the infection.
    If you have an oral gonorrhea infection, it can be passed along to other people through kissing or oral sex, but such infection is rare.

    What Do I Need to Know about the Symptoms of Gonorrhea in Women?

    Incubation (the amount of time it takes for an infection to show symptoms) is longer in women than in men, and 70% to 90% of women with gonorrhea have no symptoms.
    Symptoms of gonorrhea in women include:
    • Pain when urinating
    • More urgent or more frequent need for urination
    • A strong-smelling vaginal discharge that may be thin and watery, yellow, or green
    • Irritation in the anal area or discharge from the anus
    If unrecognized or left untreated, an advanced infection can cause:
    • Low abdominal or pelvic tenderness or pain
    • Swelling of the glands around the vaginal entrance
    • Fever
    • Backache
    • Painful or excessive periods
    • Pain during intercourse
    Untreated gonorrhea infection can eventually cause sterility. Gonorrhea infection during pregnancy can cause ectopic pregnancy, where the fetus develops in the fallopian tube leading to the woman's womb. This is a very dangerous condition and can result in the woman's death. Gonorrhea can also result in premature birth, umbilical cord inflammation and blindness of the baby. Since gonorrhea in women often has no symptoms, it's very important to inform your sexual partners if you are diagnosed with gonorrhea so they can get tested and treated.

    Polip??What is it??

    A Polip is a type of tissue that will build up where it shouldn't. Sometimes these growths are found in the nose, bladder, and intestines. However, most of them are found in the rectal area. They can be very painful and they often itch to a point where a person is extremely uncomfortable. If they aren't taken care of rectal bleeding and severe cramping in the abdomen can occur.

    It is due to that pain and discomfort that most people seek medical attention. They may fear that they have cancer or even a tumor growing in their body. However, a Polip isn't going to be cancerous initially. If they are left untreated though it is possible for that to happen. Your doctor will discuss the removal of Polips with you and then they will test them. They want to make sure non of the tissue is cancerous.

    Many people are embarrassed about the development of Polips but they are quite common. They are more likely to develop for those that are over 50 years of age. Many people are more susceptible to getting them so even once they have been removed you can get them again. It is believed there is a genetic link so you may have a family history which increases your chances of developing Polips.

    There are some things you can do though to reduce the risk of Polip problems. They include eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough exercise, avoid smoking, and don't drink excessively. These factors are known to trigger the development of Polips according to the factors involved with those that have been diagnosed.

    If you have rectal bleeding it is a good indication that you suffer from Polips. Regular bouts of either constipation or diarrhea are another symptom. If you notice that your stools are different in color or bloody you should see a doctor. Let them know of all these symptoms so they can make a proper diagnosis for you.

    There are quite a few different tests that have to be done in order to determine if you have a Polip problem. A rectal exam is the most common place to start. While you may not like this test, your doctor can find a great deal out from it. Be prepared for your doctor to have to insert a finger into your rectum. They may need to insert a type of liquid called Barium into the rectum. Then they can do an x-ray and the Polips will be white.

    Your doctor may schedule a Colonoscopy for you as well. This involves you beings sedated so your large intestine can be looked at. A scope is inserted through the rectum so that they can see on a video screen what is inside of your body. Treating Polips isn't fun but it is necessary to keep your body as healthy as possible.